

You can easily invite people to join your Organization by clicking on the "Invite User" button at the top right-hand corner.

Inviting someone to create his or her account on Woosmap is as fast as reading this sentence: you need to enter his or her email address, choose a Role and that's it! (careful: only Owners and Co-Owners can send invitations)

Please note that in addition to the Owner, the other colleagues in your Organisation can be either Co-Owners or Members. Therefore, when inviting someone thanks to his or her address email, it is compulsory to choose between those two options so the person has the right privileges and access to the Console sections they need.

When you invite someone, if there are no Teams created in your Organization you have two options:

  • Choosing to invite this person as Co-Owner directly
  • Creating a Team and adding the person directly to this new Team

You're wondering if you've already invited this person or whether that other one has accepted your invitation? Don't worry, it is easy to follow from the "Manage Invitations" button, located at the top right-hand corner, where you can also copy the invitation link to give it directly.

An email invitation is valid for 7 days. Don't worry if your teammates forgot or didn't take time to sign up through the invitation email, you can send another invitation that will be valid for another 7 days.

If you want to invite someone as a simple Member, that is to say not a Co-Owner, but you haven't created Teams yet, the invitation modal will display a shortcut to access directly the Team creation panel.

Sometimes, people sign up and create an Organization instead of accepting the invitation they were sent. Therefore, they are Owner of a most likely useless Organization and cannot join the right one. If this happened to you, no worries either! You can contact our Support through the chatbot and we'll fix it in the twinkling of an eye!